Use "many generations|many generation" in a sentence

1. Biorhythms have been studied for many generations

2. Biorhythms have been studied for many generations

3. Many members' families have summered there for generations.

4. For many generations, my family called wherever home.

5. These dens may be in existence for many decades and are used by many generations of foxes.

6. Many stories passed down from generation to generation involve a character named "Giufà".

7. The time-scale involved is seldom measurable, but spans many generations.

8. Many generations of Fire Sages guarded this temple long before me.

9. Over many generations of selection, skin color in those regions gradually lightened.

10. How many years do you think is generation gap? Why?

11. Many experts say that today’s youths are a troubled generation.

12. If their language dies out, many generations’ worth of knowledge will be lost.

13. Over many generations, the genomes of organisms can change significantly, resulting in evolution.

14. Apostles aren't concerned with carrying an organization from generation to generation, but making new generations

15. Heating is cost-effective at many more sites than electricity generation.

16. The History of Aleksandrovsk has many interesting and brave stories for the future generations

17. Many of the older generation in the south died; many have emigrated; the rest keep their heads below the parapet.

18. Linkage between the resistance gene and undesirable units can persist for many generations of Backcrossing

19. Not withstanding the propaganda of many generations of tight-assed hypocritical grown-ups: Hell no.

20. A smaller rate values the current generation and future generations equally.

21. It is vital in showcasing the history, art, culture, and lifestyles of many generations and nations.

22. But this 400 year old canal, which draws water, it is maintained for so many generations.

23. Before that there were many generations of cumulative selection, based upon some quite different replicating entities.

24. Many commentators have said that death is the forbidden subject of our generation.

25. Many families have their own recipes and grape varieties that have been passed down through the generations.

26. A cross with a bull - dog has affected for many generations the courage and obstinacy of greyhounds.

27. 10 Evolution is a process that results in heritable changes in a population spread over many generations.

28. Like many of his generation, he was a product of Scotland's obsession with football.

29. Thus many Jews of that generation identified themselves as part of the Serpent’s seed.

30. It was commonly used in many Ada implementations, for example, where complex generation and runtime support was already needed for many other language features.

31. The Bryophyte life cycle consists of an alternation of generations between a haploid gametophyte generation and a diploid sporophyte generation

32. Or they drop out, as did many in Japan's first "lost generation" a decade ago.

33. 4 Your ministerial decision for long - term deferment of reclamation will be sung by many generations to come.

34. With many, many, many, many face of barbaria.

35. Bloodline definition: A person's Bloodline is their ancestors over many generations, and the characteristics Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

36. This is one reason why many of these relationships continue from one generation to the next.

37. 28 Many in the post-80s generation will remember, for instance, Pili Beibei or Thunderbolt Baby.

38. In Indian society, Arranged marriage is an old school and orthodox tradition that has been followed for many generations

39. A random variable can take on many, many, many, many, many many different values with different probabilities.

40. Each member of a generation has greater mass than the corresponding particles of lower generations.

41. I understand many barriers of immigrant families Acculturating themselves to new life settings including language and cultural gaps between generations

42. Poverty has blighted Scotland for generations - and continues to hold too many of our people back from Achieving their potential

43. The role of the human eye was limited to selecting, among randomly mutated progeny over many generations of cumulative evolution.

44. If nothing better than linear progress prevails, its glacial not gliding pace will subvert hopes for equality for many generations.

45. In each generation, many offspring fail to survive to an age of reproduction because of limited resources.

46. It can mean the adjustment of living matter to environmental conditions and to other living things either in an organism's lifetime (physiological Adaptation) or in a population over many many generations (evolutionary Adaptation).

47. Cavia aperea has been successfully mated to the domestic guinea pig, Cavia porcellus, though many females become infertile in successive generations.

48. Some have argued it would have taken too many generations of selective breeding to produce large, compressed ears for efficient cultivation.

49. 23 If nothing better than linear progress prevails, its glacial not gliding pace will subvert hopes for equality for many generations.

50. Many dishes, many diseases.

51. Biogas has been used for electricity generation and heating for many years, but recently there has been rising interest in Biogas as a feedstock for hydrogen generation

52. 27 It was a very surprising fact that characters should reappear after having been lost for many, perhaps for hundreds of generations.

53. For too long we have let welfare be-come a way of life for too many people, fostering dependency on succeeding generations.

54. The societies in which many of us live have for more than a generation failed to foster moral discipline.

55. The Archduke, like many other companions in the Next Generation Line, is not based on one single individual sword.

56. With About face, he has written what many Vietnam veterans have called the most important book of their generation

57. Icebergs, many, many, many, many times the size of this building, are roaring out to sea.

58. It is a subcontinent of many religions, many languages, many ethnic groups, and many skin colors.

59. With useful lives spanning generations, furniture, flooring, cabinetry and trim crafted of American hardwoods act as an additional carbon store for many decades.

60. Corvette After more than 60 years and 7 generations of car sales, the Chevrolet Corvette is, to many people, a certified American icon

61. Baccala` Recipes by our Italian Grandmas! The Best Baccala` Recipes prepared by our Italian grandmothers following old traditions passed on for many generations

62. You actually split many-many families.

63. Second, Aids has slashed life expectancy in many countries, killing the most economically productive generation and leaving orphans and elderly.

64. Science has surfaced many, many more indicators.

65. So many countries, so many customs. 

66. Biotechnology has many advantages in many areas

67. So many men, so many minds. 

68. We read: “With many other words [Peter] bore thorough witness and kept exhorting them, saying: ‘Get saved from this crooked generation.’”

69. Gender inequality in rural Nepal is pervasive and deep-rooted. Many girls and women, deprived of an education and health care, are destined to a life of poverty, generation after generation.

70. Like many of the new generation of puppeteers, Tiplady grew interested in his trade through object animation rather than traditional marionettes.

71. Cushaw is a well-established leading next-generation sequencing read alignment software package based on multi-core and many-core computing

72. We specialize in producing commercial and critical Bolting solutions for the oil & gas, construction, power generation and many more industries.

73. Amaretti biscuits are a staple in many Italian homes but everyone’s recipe is different! This Amaretti recipe has been passed down through generations and is

74. Bumbles cafe is many things to many people

75. A man with many dreams and many failings.

76. 2 So many countries, so many customs. 

77. 1 So many men, so many minds. 

78. Report generation using a stand alone microcomputer with a word-processing program has already proved invaluable in many company departments, including personnel.

79. Many of the younger generation of mountain inhabitants are shying away from planting rice and are looking for employment in other areas.

80. Britannia is a brand which many generations of Indians have grown up with and our brands are cherished and loved in India and the world over.